Young Knows Young
test your football products
Terms and Conditions for the test service
If you search contact with us, we will dicuss about the starting date of our service as soon as possible. We will start with our service at the agreed upon starting date, and we will test the product for the agreed upon duration, and we will deliver all of our results within the agreed upon deadline. You have to send the products to my adress in a maximum of 2 days before the testing service starts, so that the testers can begin with using the products. You will pay us after a maximum of a month after we provided our service, with the conditions we put in the general conditions (this page). Only if Young Knows Young made a big mistake in the process of the service, we are of course open to talk about a price drop of the service. We are not responsible if the product we tested did not do well in the market after we tested it and if we damaged the product while testing.