Young Knows Young
test your football products
Our company
Gain teen-insights consistently.
Personalized focus groups
We will personalize our focus group and test critiria for your needs as much as possible.
To fulfill your needs optimally.
We test football products/marketing campaigns that are meant for young athletes. The focus groups will be based on our first impression.
Why Young Knows Young (YKY)?
Young Knows Young is a representation of the current teen community in Amsterdam. We've gathered a network of diverse teens who represent that community.
YKY prepares/selects teens for focus groups. To turn our network of teens into a prepared focus group team. That's what makes Young Knows Young different, we give you reliability whilst working with teens.
In which stage do we test?
Young Knows Young
We directly represent the teen community
Accurate product strategy
Young Knows Young provides insights into your football products/marketing campaigns, by representing the teens in Amsterdam.
You can use our feedback in making decisions in your marketing/product development.
Modern insights
Teenagers have changing preferences and tastes. What is cool today might be outdated tomorrow.
We make sure your products and commercials are modern and not outdated in the eyes of teens!
Test with passion
Every tester of YKY has a big passion for football and plays football consistently.
Our team represents a network of teens in Amsterdam. Their voice, opinion, and way of thinking= Gen Z.